Wednesday, February 21, 2007

He is Their Help Too

Psalms 115:11 KJV
Ye that fear the LORD, trust in the LORD: he is their help and their shield.
The Old Testament is so Jewish-centered that it is sometimes thought that God hated the Gentile people and would be no help to them at all. The Jews, in fact, believed that the Gentiles were no better than dogs and that they, by virtue of being Jews, could only be blessed of God; and the Gentiles, by virtue of being Gentiles, could only be cursed by God. The fact of the matter is that God would have and did bless even Gentiles in those days that feared Him and put their trust in Him (as is evidenced by Rahab and Ruth).

This verse, along with the two previous, gives us plenty of reason to rest assured that God's promises in the Old Testament are as real to we who are not of Israel, as they were to any of the Jews of that day and ours.

Do we fear the Lord?
Do we understand that He is Sovereign of the world?
Do we sense the guilt of our sins and do we believe that there is an eternal condemnation for that sin?

Then trust in the Lord.
He is their help and their shield whosoever we may be who fear Him and trust in Him.

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