Thursday, August 02, 2007

His Goodness

Zechariah 9:16-17 KJV
And the LORD their God shall save them in that day as the flock of his people: for they shall be as the stones of a crown, lifted up as an ensign upon his land.
For how great is his goodness, and how great is his beauty! corn shall make the young men cheerful, and new wine the maids.

Over and over again I find passages that help me in my expressions of devotion and praise to the Lord. Truly His goodness is great. Truly His beauty is great. God's wonders could never be exhausted. We could never say words high enough and give praise too lofty for His glory.

God's glory is seen no only in His salvation offered to the repentant, but that those who get saved are exalted themselves as stones or jewels in God's crown and lifted up as ensigns and banners of grace in God's land.

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