Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hear, Experience, See

Numbers 22:31 KJV
Then the LORD opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face.
Though Balaam did not fellowship with Israel, he was a believer in the same God as the Israelites were. We cannot deny that there are believers who are not a part of a sound church. However, Balaam did become influenced by the pagan king of Moab and Balaam did eventually turn against the clear instruction of God and against the people of God. A person does not have to be a member of a church to be saved, but he is subject to compromise, temptations and sins that might otherwise be protected from if he is faithful in the house of God.

Balaam heard God's Word
When Balak sent the messengers to summon him to curse Israel, Balaam went before God and the Lord told him not to go.

Balaam faced obstacles in his plan
The ass saw the angel of the Lord before Balaam did and attempted to prevent him from following through with his plan to go to Balak. I wonder how often the nuisances we have in our lives- like a car breaking down or something like that- are God's way to prevent us from doing something He has already convicted us in our hearts we should not do?

Balaam saw the angel himself
We are so thick headed and stubborn about going our own way that often times everyone else can see what God is trying to do in our lives but we can't.
It might be a husband or wife
It might be one of our children
It might be our pastor or another godly person

They in some way warn us that the decision we are about to make is a wrong one. Maybe there is some trial that frustrates our attempts to do what we want to do. In Balaam's case, there was the voice of God, then there was a frustrating event, finally, he could see God's warning angel himself.

If we would listen to the still small voice, we might avoid those frustrating events. If we would listen to those people God places in our lives to guide us, we could avoid even further frustrations, and if at least we would stop and consider what God might be teaching us through the frustration, we might see God's plan for our lives and avoid either painful consequences or doing something we will wish in all of eternity we had not done.

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