Sunday, November 09, 2008

Be Honest With the Bible

Daniel 11:20 KJV
Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.
I read this passage on the Sunday following the elections and was reminded of how important it is we are honest with the Bible. The winners of both the presidential and gubernatorial elections this year are both raisers of taxes. And in my imagination, I can find these elections in this text.

Our former president can be seen in verses 15-19.
He stood in a glorious land
He did his own will
He used his strength to enter in wars
His office appears to have ended with obscurity. The Republicans running for election did all they could to distance themselves from him.

Our president elect is a proponent of raising taxes. (vs 20)
But no matter what he does as president, even if he is re-elected and is in office for 8 years, he will eventually be replaced not in anger, not in battle, but be vote.

And the one to follow him will be a more vile person (vs 21)
This is the way of the world. It is not getting better but worse. I have no idea who will even run for president the next time; but I know he (or she) will not be a godly person.

But the point of all this is that this is just imagination. The passage almost certainly has nothing to do with our nation, but with the Middle East and with the coming of the Anti-Christ. We have to be very careful that we let the Bible say what it says and that we do not allow our imaginations to interject into it something that is not the intent of the Lord.

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