Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Lord Is Good

Nahum 1:7 KJV
The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.
This little book is addressed to the Gentile city of Nineveh about 150 years after Jonah preached there and the city repented and turned to the Lord. Here, 150 years later, the city has apostatized and God is again pronouncing judgment, but this time, there is no call for repentance, only a warning that the judgment is coming. The book could be considered one of the most direct applications in the Old Testament to the Gentile world in which we live. The Word of God has had a huge influence on the Gentile world, especially those of us with European ties. The Bible has done with us exactly as Paul had said. The Gospel came to us and we have received it.

However, that same gospel does not have the impact in our lives as it once did. Christianity in Europe and the Americas has, without question, become apostatized. We have everything from the corruptions of liberalism, Pentecostalism, pragmatism, and modernism all eating away at the purity of the Gospel and it has created in the average lost man a distrust in the faith. The Word of God has been discredited by the charlatans of the faith and, by in large, even those people who do attend worship services put little stock in what is being delivered from the pulpits. We are apostate!

But in the middle of such a stern message as Nahum, there is this good news; "...He knoweth them that trust in Him."

We do not need to be disheartened. There is no reason to be disconcerted about the state of our world.
God is still on His throne.
His plan is still being worked out. and
He still knows those that trust in Him.

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