Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sorrow, What Sort?

2 Corinthians 7:10 KJV
For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.
The thought occurred to me today, "What is the difference between these two sorrows, other than the results?"

To be sure, we may never know which the case in a man is except we see the results, but I wondered whether there was a difference besides the results.

Gill's Commentary says
Godly Sorrow"....a sorrow which had God for its author; it did not arise from the power of free will, nor from the dictates of a natural conscience, nor from a work of the law on their hearts, or from a fear of hell and damnation, but it sprung from the free grace of God; it was a gift of his grace, the work of his Spirit, and the produce of his almighty power"

Worldly Sorrow
"....springs from worldly selfish principles, and proceeds on worldly views; it is often nothing more than a concern for the loss of worldly things, as riches, honours, &c. or for a disappointment in the gratification of worldly lusts and pleasures"

Barnes Notes says
Godly Sorrow
(1) Such sorrow as God approves, or such as is suitable to. or conformable to his will and desires. ...
(2) such sorrow as shall be exercised toward God in view of sin; which shall arise from a view of the evil of sin as committed against a holy God. ...
(3) that which leads to God. It leads to God to obtain forgiveness; to seek for consolation. A heart truly contrite and penitent seeks God, and implores pardon from him. ...

Worldy Sorrow
(1) Sorrow arising from losses of property and friends, and from disappointment.
(2) sorrow for sin or vice when it overwhelms the mind with the consciousness of guilt, and when it does not lead to God, and when there is no contrition of soul from viewing it as an offence against God.
(3) when the sorrow arises from a view of worldly consequences merely, and when there is no looking to God for pardon and consolation.

May God grant us a godly sorrow.

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