Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How We Live

1 Thessalonians 3:7-8 KJV
Therefore, brethren, we were comforted over you in all our affliction and distress by your faith:
For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord.

Albert Barnes Commentary says of this, "This is equivalent to saying, “My life and comfort depend on your stability in the faith, and your correct Christian walk...”

Notice how closely the preacher's joy and encouragement is connected with the testimony and spiritual relationship of the congregation.

The Apostle Paul suffered greatly in his ministry. He was constantly under threat of persecution and attack from the unbelievers and he also found himself maligned, mistreated and falsely accused by certain of the believers. Paul will face shipwrecks, beatings and other dangers before he is finally imprisoned and eventually beheaded. And yet through all of those afflictions he says he is comforted, his life has meaning and purpose when he knows that he ministers to stand fast in the Lord.

I wished I had a way to communicate to those I minister to and have ministered to, how important their walk with Christ is to my own state of well being. I, as a preacher, can endure some pretty difficult things so long as I know those I had had ministry with are continuing on and growing in the Lord. When I hear of those who have turned from Christ, or others who have compromised the faith I delivered to them, it crushes me. When Christians I have been blessed to preach the Word of God to rebel and continue on in their rebellion, it breaks my heart. But when I learn of those who stand fast in the Lord; when I witness believers
Whose faith in the Lord,
Whose testimony is bright for Christ and
Whose walk is zealous and active in the church,

It breathes life into my afflicted soul.

The preacher lives for Christ. He must preach "not as pleasing men, but God which trieth out hearts." But he knows his ministry is toward people. And he longs to see them truly "grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ." He is in a strait. He must follow Christ and preach Christ knowing that it will make him lonely and separated from those who refuse to walk that way with him. But at the same time his ministry is so inextricably tied men that he must always long to see them come alongside him in his walk with Christ. With Paul he calls out constantly, "follow me as I also follow Christ." And then he must continue on following Christ knowing that people he loves will be left behind.

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