Saturday, September 25, 2010

Jacob's Well

John 4:5-6 KJV
Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.
Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well: and it was about the sixth hour.

I noted today the emphasis on the history of this piece of ground. Jacob had given it to Joseph and Jacob's well was there, where Jesus would meet this woman.

I could not help but think that this place had such a history and yet it was given over to a people who freely admitted they did not worship the same God as the Jews. It is as if Jesus came to restore this place to its rightful heritage.

Traditions can become idols. But at the same time there are some things that ought not to be changed and some things that can only be restored by returning to their roots.

It is never wise, never godly to carelessly cast away our roots. Of course, Jesus asked the woman at the well to cast aside her traditions for the truth. Some roots ought to be pulled up. But it ought not to be done hastily or carelessly, but only when we know it is of the Lord to do so.

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