Thursday, July 07, 2011

Never Forsaken

Isaiah 49:14 KJV
But Zion said, The LORD hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me.

Israel's removal of true faith has led them, to this very day to have almost no real faith in God. It is not that God has forsaken and forgotten them; it is that they have forsaken and forgotten God.

God demonstrates the error of their thoughts in three arguments;
That of a mother's love for her child
Can she forget the child she has born? Because of the sin nature, as unlikely as it is she might, but God says He will not forget Israel.

He says we are engraved in the palm of his hand
So that no matter how far they might remove themselves from God, they are continually in His sight.

God promises that their enemies will flee and exhorts them to lift up their eyes and see the multitudes coming from every land
Those Gentiles who have trusted Christ become an adornment like a wedding dress upon Israel. It is to their honor that Christ has redeemed and called and separated out of this world such multitudes from the nations.

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