Tuesday, September 06, 2011

The Faces of God

Ezekiel 38:18 KJV
And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord GOD, that my fury shall come up in my face.

Scofield remarks, and I am unaware of any major change in the thinking of today's preachers, that all agree this passage speaks of Russia and those people of the north coming against Israel and God then destroying them for it.

But as I read the passage today I saw faces in Gog;
• Christian people I know from Belarus, pictures and
• Names of people in Romania and Moscow and other lands like them I have come to know through missionaries to those lands

And, as I see their faces I am reminded that the prophecies apply to nations of people. It is true of Israel as it is true of the Gentile nations; in each case the prophecies go out to nations. Individuals may experience a relationship with God that is far different than that relationship God has already determined with the nations. Jews and Gentiles alike are free in all ages to come to God through the Savior and be joint heirs with Christ. No one is trapped in a fate belonging to their native people.
• And so we pray
• And so the missionary pleads with them
God give us souls rescued from the fate of whole people groups. God let us see destinies transformed as people, one by one, come out from among the people of the world to be saved.

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