Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Preserved Word

Psalms 12:6-7 KJV
The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

Those who deny the preservation of the Bible are quick to attack the use of these Scriptures as having anything to do with the issue of the Bible. They will tell us that we must keep the Bible in context and that the context is protecting God's people from their enemies.

First, that is the appropriate context and exactly the gist of the Word of God as a whole.
God's promise is that His promise to protect us from our greatest enemies:
  • The world
  • The flesh and
  • The devil
will not fail.

His promise is that the promise is pure. That promise has been purified through the fire again and again. And it is trustworthy.

Second there is the double standard of these doubters of God's Word.
They are happy to apply Psalms 24-26 as Messianic Psalms. They see Christ in these words even though Christ would not come for a thousand years after they were written. They have no problem explaining that while the Psalmist was writing about things happening in his life at that moment, God meant his Psalms for a greater purpose.

They are of course right; just as we are correct to say that when the Psalmist wrote of God's protection from his present enemies, God had a greater meaning than immediate enemies and one promise. God meant to give us an assurance that all Scripture is preserved. 

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