Saturday, September 08, 2012

No More Sea

Revelation 21:1 KJV
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

The Apostle seems to have been struck by the fact that the new earth has no sea. At least whatever waters there will be are not as obvious as what there is now. The intimation is that this new earth will be much more like the original before the flood. That there is water in the new earth as is apparent by the river that flows from the throne. It could be that John could not see the sea because it will be underground as it originally was.

I see this as a compliment to the fact that there will be no sun in eternity. The Lamb will be the light of the new earth. Light is life sustaining but it isn't godlike. We do not need the sun, we need the Lord. No sun in eternity serves to prove that.

In the same instance, worshippers of the planet have made the earth their "mother," and the sea is seen as central in "Mother Earth's" power. The sea
  • Regulates our temperatures
  • Recycles our atmosphere and
  • Reconditions our water sources
as well as a host of other functions that I am not up on. But all of these functions, like that of the sun, are the creations of God and only serve to do what God Himself is capable of without them and will do in the eternal earth.
  • God is our sustainer, not the earth
  • God is He whom we should seek

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