Monday, August 26, 2013

Shallow, but Getting Deeper

John 4:15 KJV
The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.

The woman of Samaria was where most Americans seem to be spiritually. We ask things of God but our requests are shallow and surface things, not meant to matter and if answered are at best temporary solutions to eternal problems. She, like most Americans, could only see the Lord as an answer for something earthly.

Not until we see Christ as an answer for eternal and spiritual things will we truly understand the nature of the Christian faith. 

But Christ did not quit on her. Though she was short-sighted as to what Christ offered and though Christ knew she was filled with sin, He continued to speak with her.

We must never give up on people but seek more and more to try to win and reach them.
  • Their responses may seem petty and shallow
  • They might frequently sound as if they mock our faith
But one or two more questions on our part; just a little more scripture, may be all it takes to bring them over to see God's truth. 

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