Wednesday, February 12, 2014

God's Blessing No Guarantee of Salvation

Jude 1:5 KJV
I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.

God's material blessing is no guarantee of God's eternal salvation.

Writing to urge these Christians to contend for the faith and not merely membership in the organization if the church, reminds them that though God delivered all of the Jews from Egypt, He later destroyed those who were not believers. 
  • These are people who had partaken in the Passover.
  • These are people whom the death angel had passed over
  • These are people who had miraculously crossed the Red Sea
  • These are people who had followed the pillar of fire. 
By birth they were Jews and by form, they appeared to be right, but by faith, they came short. 
America needs to heed this warning of Jude for we have a spiritual climate much like these wandering Jews:
  • We have experienced the unmistakable blessings of God
  • We have enjoyed the fruits of a marvelously bountiful land 
  • We have rested in the liberties purchased by our forefathers
  • We have each embraced our own version of worship[1]
But, though we can each revel in the bounty, success, and blessings of being Americans, it in no way guarantees a happy relationship with God.

Americans have the freedom to worship God (or to reject worship) according to the dictates of our own consciences but we are still responsible before God. Liberty to do a thing does not make the thing right in the sight of God. Enjoying the material blessings of being an American does not ensure one's place in the heavenly world of God. 
  • Birth
  • Blessings and
  • Religion
Are not our means of eternal salvation. That comes only by grace through faith.

[1] A recent survey revealed that 95% of all Americans still claim to be religious, though religion means something different to each if us.

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