Saturday, May 30, 2015

Authority for Edification

2 Corinthians 10:8 KJV
For though I should boast somewhat more of our authority, which the Lord hath given us for edification, and not for your destruction, I should not be ashamed:

There is no question that Paul had authority (though it was constantly questioned in his day). Paul had pronounced judgments that had come to pass, healed those who were sick or infirmed, organized churches in extraordinary circumstances and preached the Gospel so that souls had been saved. Truly, the world had been turned upside down through the ministry of Paul and his team.

Paul was not in any way reticent to assume his authority or to claim it before others. But here Apostle Paul teaches a truth that preachers must keep in the forefront of their minds; our authority is for edification and not destruction. Our assignment, our commission is one for the benefit of others. We do not bear a carnal sword. Our authority is entirely intended for the advancement of souls.
·       It is an authority to preach the Gospel so that the lost are saved
·       It is an authority to teach the simple to be wise
·       It is an authority to train others in the ministry of the Word of God
·       It is an authority to strengthen churches
and even when the authority to discipline is exercised

·       It is for the purpose of the wayward's restoration and not loss.

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