Friday, April 08, 2016

1 Timothy 4:10 (KJV) Still More

1 Timothy 4:10 (KJV)
For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.
The consequences of the apostle’s faith was, according to himself, labor and reproach.
I doubt that many of us would question that reproach is, or at least was, a consequence of faithFor the first seventeen hundred years of Christian history the believers suffered brutally. For that last three hundred years preachers have been telling us about their suffering. While the various denominations of Christianity will put a different spin on the suffering (they have to, their denomination likely contributed to it) few will deny it happened.
Suffering reproach for trusting tithe living God is about the worst any Christian in America and the greater part of Europe ever has to suffer these days. However, reproach against Christ and His faith is increasing in intensity. If Christ does not return soon the reproach may once again turn violent.
The consequence most Christians today may not have considered is laborPaul labored as a Christian for Christ. His faith led to service. His faith was active, vital and alive. It moved him even compelled him to travel thousands of hard miles to take the Gospel to regions beyond. Sometimes in the course of that labor he labored with his hands to provide for himself and his companions.
Not every Christian was or is compelled to travel with the Gospel. They are nonetheless compelled to labor to provide for themselves and for others and to labor in Christian service.
So long as there is even one soul in our vicinity
  • Who hasn’t heard a pure Gospel message 
  • Who hasn’t trusted in the living God 
  • Who hasn’t united with a scriptural church and
  • Who hasn’t been fully trained in the teachings of God’s Word
Then there is still labor for us to do.
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1 Timothy 4:10 (KJV) Still More

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