Saturday, February 22, 2025

Luke 21:2 (KJV) The Power of Collective Giving

Luke 21:2 (KJV)
And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites.


Both Strong’s and Thayer’s dictionaries say that the word “also” contains both a copulative and cumulative force.

It’s more than just Jesus seeing the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury and then seeing the poor widow give all she had. He saw the first and then saw hers added to it.

Gill, in his commentary on this passage, takes us to the parallel in Mark 12:41-42 and remarks that Jesus beheld with pleasure people of all sorts and means casting into the treasury. This included the rich, as well as a certain poor widow. Jesus praises her and sets her apart because, while her gift may not seem like much on earth, in heaven it is the greatest of all that was given. That said, in the earthly scheme in which we find ourselves, it would not have been sufficient without the gifts of “people of all sorts and means.” Jesus looked with pleasure on the copulative and cumulative impact of all the gifts together.

This principle applies to more than just our financial gifts to the service of the Lord. We often say we can give to God our “time, talents, and treasures.” What makes a local church function for the glory of God is not just the great talent of some, the great treasures of others, or the great time given by those in full-time ministry. The local church functions effectively through the copulative and cumulative work of the whole—from those who have little to give, to those who have much, and to everyone in between.

#FaithfulGiving #WidowsMite #ChurchBody #ServingTogether #GodSeesAll

The Power of Collective Giving: The Strength of the Church

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Luke 21:2 (KJV) The Power of Collective Giving

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