Monday, September 05, 2016

Luke 16:9 (KJV) A True Friendship with God

Luke 16:9 (KJV)
And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations. 
This passage is not encouraging Christians to make friends with unrighteous people so they will receive us when we find ourselves in need. A more consistent understanding would be, “Through the Scriptural use of those things you have received, become united with believers so that, when you die, those who have gone to heaven before you are excited to see you arrive (an abundant entrance).”
No one can buy his way into heaven. But everyone can use what God has provided him in a manner that is obedient to God’s Word and consistent with true faith. The just use of worldly things (the mammon of unrighteousness) demonstrates a true friendship with God and His own.
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Luke 16:9 (KJV) A True Friendship with God

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