Friday, September 01, 2006

God is greater

1 John 3:20 KJV
For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.
Albert Barnes Notes says of this, "...We cannot hope to find peace by hiding anything from [God's] view, or by any supposition that he is not acquainted with the sins for which our consciences trouble us. He knows all the sins of which we are conscious, and sees all their guilt and aggravation as clearly as we do. He knows more than this. He knows all the sins which we have forgotten; all those acts which we endeavor to persuade ourselves are not sinful, but which are evil in his sight; and all those aggravations attending our sins which it is impossible for us fully and distinctly to conceive."

He goes on to say, "...He is more disposed to condemn sin than we are; he looks on it with less allowance than we do. We cannot hope, then, for a calm mind in any supposition that God does not see our sins as clearly as we do, or in any hope that he will look on them with more favor and indulgence...."[1]

We are too quick to excuse, dismiss and indulge sin in our lives. We are too easy on ourselves and we deceive ourselves if we believe that God will be easy on us as well.

Thank God for His grace! Thank God His mercies are new every morning! But His grace and mercy in no way permit us to continue in sin. It is time for us to fess up and make things right with God.

And praise God when we do, we are completely forgiven and cleansed.

[1] E-Sword 7.7.7, Albert Barnes' Notes on the Bible, Albert Barnes (1798-1870)

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