Wednesday, November 29, 2006

"...journeying toward Jerusalem."

Luke 13:22 KJV
And he went through the cities and villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem.

I loved the phrase, "...journeying toward Jerusalem."

Jesus was on His last trip to Jerusalem. He was on His way to the cross, and on His way, He visited cities and villages teaching the Word of God.

We too are on a journey that will end with our going off into eternity. Along the way there are two keys that need to be gotten;

First, that we know where we will end when we reach our final destination; heaven or hell. The journey of life is far too short to put this off very long. Just this week I heard of two teenage boys who died while doing the simple task of checking a power generator their family had set up in the household garage due to a power failure. The boys had no idea they were on the very last leg of their journey. Where did their journey end them?

Second, having secured the key to eternal life in heaven our next great cause ought to be to give that key to as many as we possibly can as we pass them on our journey. The great thing about the key is that it will work for all and that we can never make so many duplicates that it won't open the door to eternal life. Copies of copies of the key that leads to eternal life are just as effective as the very first key.

Jesus journeyed on His way to the cross where every soul that comes to Him may find salvation. As we journey, let’s take all we can to that very same Cross.

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