Monday, March 12, 2007


1 Corinthians 13:7 KJV
Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
Among the qualities that come with charity is "...believeth all things, hopeth all things..." The charitably Christian is not cynical, not beaten down, not pessimistic. The charitable hopes not only in the promises of heaven but that God's will may be done on earth as it is in heaven.

He hopes for the salvation of those who seem most unlikely to be saved
He hopes that kings hearts will be turned
He hopes that more souls will be saved
He hopes that backslidden believers will be reclaimed
He hopes that governments might bow before the Lord
He hopes for revival

He reads the Word of God and believes that what God has done in the past, God may do again. And having this faith he prays for God’s blessings and serves with joy.

He does not live in the dark cloud of doom, seeing only that this world is growing worse and worse as we draw nearer to the day of Christ's return, but seeing also that God's hand is in it; that there is still much that the believer can do to bring men and women to Christ and to rescue the perishing at the last moment.

The charitable Christian will not hunker down in a bunker somewhere awaiting Christ's return, but he will venture out believing and hoping that God will bless and use him as he does.

The charitable Christian is not bowed down under the burden of his day. He has instead bowed before the Father and found grace and strength to square his shoulders for the work of God.

The charitable Christian "…believeth all things, hopeth all things..."

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