Ezekiel 16:60 KJV
Nevertheless I will remember my covenant with thee in the days of thy youth, and I will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant.
Chapter 15 likens Jerusalem to a vine tree that is worth nothing but to be burned
Chapter 16:3-14 likens her to an abandoned child left for dead in the open field
Chapter 16:15-58 liken her to a harlot, who has slept with every wicked person in the vicinity
God's warned of terrible judgment to come, both on Jerusalem and on her lovers (the nations around her whose false gods she had worshiped and whose strength she had leaned upon). But then God said, "Nevertheless I will...."
What a blessing to know that God will remember His covenant with us. What a blessing to know that, while God must and will chasten sin, nevertheless He will not abandon His own people. He will remember His promises to us and will establish us with Him forever in eternity.
Nevertheless I will remember my covenant with thee in the days of thy youth, and I will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant.
Chapter 15 likens Jerusalem to a vine tree that is worth nothing but to be burned
Chapter 16:3-14 likens her to an abandoned child left for dead in the open field
Chapter 16:15-58 liken her to a harlot, who has slept with every wicked person in the vicinity
God's warned of terrible judgment to come, both on Jerusalem and on her lovers (the nations around her whose false gods she had worshiped and whose strength she had leaned upon). But then God said, "Nevertheless I will...."
What a blessing to know that God will remember His covenant with us. What a blessing to know that, while God must and will chasten sin, nevertheless He will not abandon His own people. He will remember His promises to us and will establish us with Him forever in eternity.