Sunday, September 23, 2007

Slow of Heart

Luke 24:25 KJV
Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:

These words could just as easily been spoken to the believers of today as to those two so many years ago.

These were witnesses of the life of Jesus Christ
There were those who had heard Him speak of His death and resurrection
There were some who had heard from the women themselves that Jesus Christ had risen

These were believers. These were not mockers or scorners of even doubters. These were believers John Gill says Cleopas is the same as Alphaeus, the father of James and Jude and the brother to Joseph, who was the husband of Mary, the mother of Christ.

Yet they were slow of heart to believe all that the prophets had spoken. It was not that they did not believe some of it. Their Jewish background was such that they likely considered themselves believers of the Word of God. Still, there were those things in the Word of God that they could not reason. They were not slow in the mind to believe. Nor were they slow in word to say they believed. But they were slow of heart. The truth of the death burial and resurrection of the Saviour had not sunken in yet. Nor had they gotten hold yet of the victory that was won for them through this miracle.

Today God's house will be filled with believers. I do not question the sincerity of anyone who will come to worship the Lord. However, many of us will be slow of heart to believe all that God's Word will say to us. We will claim to believe. We will believe that we believe, but unless God burns His words within us, His message will reach only the head and not the heart.

O Lord, please expound the Scriptures to us today!

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