Wednesday, December 07, 2011


Revelation 10:11 KJV
And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

The Apostle John's days upon this earth were drawing to a close. He would not be physically present to preach the Word too many more days. This then gives rise to the view that this next prophecy of John would be of a different sort. And since the chapter speaks of the little book which John ate, it is not difficult to deduce this next prophecy would be through his written revelation.

A preacher may preach the Word of God and have an impact. But he may extend his ministry to many others and into generations to come through the written word. In this day, with the World Wide Web and the availability of the Internet nearly globally, a huge, even missionary impact is possible through a different soft of "prophecy"; the written word. Preachers of years past used their written word to evangelize and instruct. For a time it seemed that few preachers saw the need to record what the Lord had taught them and thus preach again to a different congregation. I personally lament the shortage of writing of Baptist pastors of the last century or two. Today, a new venue has given rise to a resurgence of writing which, should the Lord not return in our generation, means we have preached again to the generation that follows.

We must step forward and use it.

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