Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Twisted Christ of Judas Iscariot

Matthew 26:48 KJV
Now he that betrayed him gave them a sign, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he: hold him fast.

Judas had brought the multitude with swords and staves to a place he knew Jesus resorted to but the multitudes did not, and had given them a sign that the one he kissed was Jesus.

Obviously, the habits of Christ were not well known by everyone in Israel. Even those sent to take Him that night were so unfamiliar with Him that they could not recognize Him by face. I have sometimes had the impression that everyone in Israel knew who Christ was and what He looked like. That is just not the case.
• Though He had fed thousands, there were thousands more who had never left their homes to see and hear Him
• Though the Jews had sent some to catch Him in His words, some many more had never left their posts for Christ

And so it is today; though there are a variety of denominations and scattered around the world hundreds or more so called mega churches, the fact is most people have little to no interest in Christ. What they do know, if they know anything at all, is skewed and twisted. They, like the multitudes following Judas, only know what an enemy of Christ gives them. And that enemy so often cloaks himself as the friend of Christ. Most decisions made about Jesus are made from a position of ignorance or even misrepresentation.

It is our place to correct that misinformation as God gives us grace.

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