Friday, July 13, 2012

Through Preaching

Titus 1:3 KJV
But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Saviour;
The greatest gift a pastor has for his congregation is his gift of preaching. That Paul loved people is evident. That he knew them by name and prayed for them is key. Pastors have an advantage over the evangelist or the television minister in that they know their flock.

But the meatiest and most important treasure that the pastor has to give his congregation is his gift of consistently and passionately making manifest the Word of God through preaching.

He makes it manifest
Brings the Word to light and reveals those things previously hidden. He makes known the depth and riches of God's Word and how it applies to his congregation.

Through preaching
Preaching is defined as the bold proclamation of that Word. Picture the old public crier. His task is to give the people the news they would otherwise be ignorant of.

The pastor has the precious joy of proclaiming to his congregation what they would otherwise be without. He is not their only source of spiritual knowledge; they have their Bible and the have the Holy Spirit. But he is a God-ordained source and is a crucial part of any Christian's spiritual growth. His job is not to organize events and preside over the big days in their lives. His duty his gift to them is to faithfully manifest before them God's Word; through preaching. 

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