Sunday, October 21, 2012

Vanity in the Purest Sense

Psalms 127:2 KJV
It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.

It appears to me that some Christians apply this only to house and family. They sure preach hard on toiling in the rest of life. "Success" they like to say, "is ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration." In some cases they brag about how late they are out either in the fields of financial gain or of God's service. So common is this thinking that a pastor is not thought doing his duty unless he makes himself available at all hours of the day or night. The ministry has become that place where the man of God has taken the place of God. Men, who are too busy to  have fellowship with God force those in their pastor to fellowship with them instead. Thus the minister himself has no time to fellowship with God. What wickedness we have created!

It all is the result of a lack of faith. We simply don't trust God to do as He has said so we take His Word and build our own businesses around the Bible but without God. There is just no excuse for being so busy that we can't be with God. The fact is those who don't spend time with God don't because they see no profit in it.

None of this excuses laziness, by the way. Those who walk with God will certainly learn to labor for God. But labor, without the walk, is vanity in the purest sense. 

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