Thursday, January 16, 2014

This Is Not Theory

Hebrews 8:1 KJV
Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens;

After describing a high priest that is completely different than the sort the Jews knew
  • An High Priest who us immutable
  • An High Priest who is immortal and
  • An High Priest who is impeccable
A person may be led to think, "Yes, but such a High Priest is just a dream. No such man could ever be found to be this perfect minister." It is to this objection chapter eight turns our attention. In fact the passage insists, "We have such an High Priest."

God's Word insists that our faith is not theory. That those things we believe; those things we are taught in the Bible are reality. Our High a priest is not on earth[1] but He is nonetheless reality. 

Christians will be required to face the objections of the skeptic and unbeliever until the day Christ returns. There is no way to convince through faith the one who has abandoned all faith. But the believer sees assurances of the reality of our High Priest daily:
  • He ministers to us through peace in the soul
  • He ministers to us through comfort when troubled
  • He ministers to us through direction when lost
These evidences in the soul of faith, though not measurable and observable in the beakers and bins of science, are more certain than any concept the intellect may prove.

[1] vs 4

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