Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Truth About Darkness

John 1:5 KJV
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

Scofield's notes call this "His pre-incarnate ministry" but I see it as more of a summary of His entire ministry in three verses:
The creation of the heavens and the earth
Vs 3
The creation of man
Vs 4
The incarnation of Christ
Vs 5

It would be easy to describe the whole of Jesus' 33 1/2 years on the earth in those words, And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
  • His conception was miraculous, but darkness (no room in the inn) comprehended it not
  • His business was His Father's, but darkness (even His mother)comprehended it not
  • His ministry was anointed, but darkness (the people in the synagogue at Nazareth) comprehended it not
  • His miracles bore witness of Him, but darkness (the Pharisees) comprehended it not
  • His crucifixion was substitutionary, but darkness (Pontius Pilate) comprehended it not
  • His resurrection was victorious, but darkness (the people of the world) comprehended it not

Praise the Lord! Though the majority of the world lies in darkness still, the light of the life of Jesus Christ has pierced the darkness of countless souls. The gospel message still rings out and still rings true today.

Though darkness still does not comprehend the light that is Jesus Christ:

  • Some have seen
  • Some have believed and
  • Some have comprehended

1 comment:

  1. Miss Connie7:53 PM

    In this moment, I needed this.
    I am grateful God is patient with His own.
    I am, also, grateful for those in my life
    who care enough to stand on who He is,
    and stand on His Word.
