Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Parting from 1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 5:14 KJV
Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.

As Paul approaches the end of this letter he provides a series of pleas to the church of Thessalonica, the first one has four significant parts:
Warn them that are unruly
We should associate this with Hebrews 10:25 and our obligation to provoke one another to love and good works. There is nothing mean spirited here but of a loving concern for our brethren and to caution them when they are stepping out of the way. 

Comfort the feebleminded
This references those who are discouraged and down hearted. It is a Christian grace that we have the ability to come along side of our brethren and be a blessing to them when they are down.

Support the weak
The commentaries claim the weak are those who are tempted to sin. The word support literally means to cling to them, to hold on to them. Those who are given to sin or are in the grips of a besetting and addictive sin, need constant maintenance and supervision to get them through the crisis of freedom.

Be patient toward all men
All men include both the saved and the lost. 
Certainly there is call for patience in the close setting of the local church. Believers do not grow at the same pace. Those who have come to grasp spiritual truths have to be patient with those who have not. Those who have not grown to understand certain practices must also employ patience with those whose Christian walk seems extreme to them.

Patience is also the word of the day toward the lost. They are, after all, lost. They do not know the Lord. They are bound to the world, the flesh and the devil. Although they may be aggressive against Christians and seem hopelessly wicked to us, they are souls for whom Christ died and every possible measure must be made to see them won. 

Patience is required to put up with their violence
Patience is required to put up with the spiritual ignorance
Patience is required to put up a long term campaign for the eternal salvation

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