Wednesday, September 30, 2015

2 Samuel 8:15 (KJV) Judgment and Justice

2 Samuel 8:15 (KJV)
And David reigned over all Israel; and David executed judgment and justice unto all his people.
King David was a man of rare ability, such as could only have been given if God.
He cared for the spiritual welfare of his nation, seeing to the arrangement and order of their worship
He cared for the defensive and offensive exploits of their military. He was an exceptional soldier
He cared for the social and civil life of his nation, seeing that in it were executed both judgment and justice.
Judgment is the legal end of this two-part execution. It is putting into place means to enforce laws as instituted by the Word of God and their own good government. Justice is the legislative end of this same execution. It is the establishment of laws that express right and represses wrong. It is the deliberation upon moral issues and the forming of convictions based, in David’s case, upon what he had learned fro God.
Godly men and women think on these things. They come to sound and Scriptural convictions about right and wrong and then they take measures to promote the right and prevent the wrong.
To my reader: I would love to hear from you. Leave comments below.

2 Samuel 8:15 (KJV) Judgment and Justice

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