Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Job 27:6 (KJV) His Heart Never Condemned Him

Job 27:6 (KJV)
My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live.
Job found himself in a situation where reproach was all around him.
  • It felt as if God had reproached him allowing him to suffer as he did
  • It is certain that Satan had reproached him as is recorded in this book 
  • His wife had reproached him, we know not what became of her
  • His friends had reproached him and continued to do so
But Job said that there was one thing he had determined would not reproach him; his own heart. He knew that none of this had come upon him due to any unrighteousness found in him. Job was no more perfect than anyone else but he had a living relationship with God. That relationship provided his righteousness. He would not allow his circumstances or the accusations of his friends to break down that trusting relationship and thus allow his own heart to accuse and reproach him.
1 John 3:19-22
And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him.For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.
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Job 27:6 (KJV) His Heart Never Condemned Him

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