Friday, March 30, 2018

Matthew 26:6 (KJV) The Constant About Christians

Matthew 26:6 (KJV)
Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper,
Little is known of this Simon. Some go so far as to speculate he had never personally been a leper but was so named because someone in his genealogy had been. Others suggest he had been a leper but Jesus had previously healed him. What I see is:
The stigma the world ascribes to people
Whether it is:
  • a family sin, 
  • a personal failure,
  • a reputation once held 
the people of this world tend to never let it go. As quick as this world is to judge Christians as being hateful, it is they who refuse to forgive and forget.
The carelessness demonstrated by Jesus and His followers
Jesus sat at meat in the leper’s home! It is safe, I think, to assume that Simon had been healed by this time but the Bible nowhere says that. That He would be in the home would be an act of grace in those days. That He would eat while He was there would be an unheard of kindness.
What’s more His disciples were with him, so oblivious to the reputation that:
  • One poured ointment on Christ and
  • The others criticized her for doing it
I am not in favor of their criticisms but I do mark that they were not concerned about his leprosy.
Christians are not perfect. We often dispute with one another about every difference under the sun. Some of those disputes are legitimate others are trivial. The one thing that is constant; we accept that those who have trusted Christ are, for all their faults, saved.

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Matthew 26:6 (KJV) The Constant About Christians

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