Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Isaiah 33:12 (KJV)The Shepherd and the Sheep

Isaiah 33:12 (KJV)
And the people shall be as the burnings of lime: as thorns cut up shall they be burned in the fire.
The circumstance of this passage is a prayer of dependence upon God in the face of Assyrian threats. I can’t imagine the terror Jerusalem must have been under as they watched Assyria defeat and dispatch northern Israel into oblivion. They would have been certain this would be their fate. 
Except for God. 
Was it arrogant of them to believe God would do for them what He did not do for their brethren? Of course Jerusalem disagreed with Israel. They had rebelled against the throne in Israel. They had set up their own systems of worship. Were they so wrong God would destroy them? More importantly was Jerusalem so right God would save them?
Into this environment the prophet offers the Word of God. He provides them with a direction for prayer. But in the middle of his sermon he switches from the first person to the third. “Be thou their arm every morning.” He switched from teaching them what to pray to praying himself. 
The preacher is in a unique situation. As the preacher he is to remain detached, he seeks to please God rather than men. He is God’s spokesman to the flock. But he is also one of the flock. Though he must maintain his priority of office, it is understandable when he steps back into the role of a sheep from time to time.
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Isaiah 33:12 (KJV)The Shepherd and the Sheep

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