Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Joshua 24:24 (KJV) The Commencement Address

Joshua 24:24 (KJV)

And the people said unto Joshua, The LORD our God will we serve, and his voice will we obey.

I recently attended a Bible College’s graduation service. Because of my connection with the college, I happen to know that the morning of the ceremony, before the ceremony, the president of the college read a doctrinal statement to the students. They were asked whether they agreed with those doctrines, and they affirmed that they did. During the graduation ceremony these same students were asked whether they believed those doctrines they had heard earlier and to stand if they did. They, of course, all stood. No exceptions. 

Everyone, of course, understands that this was largely ceremonial. After investing one to four years at the college, in some cases more, who would forfeit the diploma for some “minor squabbles” over a few doctrines? Once the paper is in hand, many of those students feel free to follow any doctrinal tangent they please. Some of them will fall off the path of a spiritual life completely. 

The commencement speaker, aware of this, and perhaps weary of reports of past students’ wanderings, pled with them, warned them, to take with them from the college, not just a zeal, but a seed that could grow in them faithfulness to these doctrines. 

Joshua wasn’t giving a commencement address. It was his final message to Israel before he departed to be with the Lord. Two times in this chapter the people insisted they would follow the Lord. Joshua knew how difficult this would be and warned them they couldn’t do it on their own. Still, they insisted. 

We know the rest of the story. The people followed the Lord as long as Joshua and his generation were alive. But quickly, shockingly quickly, future generations turned from the Lord.

Be warned and take good heed. To insist and to assume that you and your family will continue to serve the Lord is foolishness. It can be done, but it can be done only by realizing it can’t be done in human strength or wisdom. 

We must wholly lean upon the Lord. 

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Joshua 24:24 (KJV) The Commencement Address

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