Monday, May 22, 2023

Acts 21:9 (KJV) No More Than Teachers?

Acts 21:9 (KJV)

And the same man had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy.

Nearing the end of Paul’s ministry, at least as a free man, he arrived in Caesarea to lodge with Philip. What a time this must have been. Philip was saved and serving the Lord much sooner than Paul. Philip was one of the seven original deacons, of whom was Stephen, whom Paul had his hand in his martyrdom.

Philip had gone on to serve as an evangelist in the city of Caesarea. The Bible says he had four daughters, “which did prophecy.” I believe some groups make this out to be something entirely unnecessary. Adam Clarke writes, “Probably these were no more than teachers in the Church: for we have already seen that this is a frequent meaning of the word prophesy; and this is undoubtedly one thing intended by the prophecy of Joel, quoted Acts 2:17-18 of this book. If Philip’s daughters might be prophetesses, why not teachers?”

I would challenge his phrase, “no more than teachers,” because there is little more valuable than those who study and teach the Word of God. It requires a heart, a dedication, and a spiritual discernment. Few attain it. Many, if not most, are content to be the served rather than the servants. Would to God we had more men and women who were: sold out to God, stable in their church membership, willing and gifted to serve.

But I do get his gist, and agree with him. He calls them “no more than servants,” in contrast to the wild-eyed definitions of the prophets we often find among the Pentecostal and Charismatic sects of Christians.

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Acts 21:9 (KJV) No More Than Teachers?

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