Saturday, May 25, 2024

Haggai 1:5 (KJV) The Eternal Question

Haggai 1:5 (KJV)

Now therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways.

It wouldn’t be impossible to argue that this verse is the axle upon which the prophecy of Haggai spins.

Haggai 1:7 (KJV)

Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways.

Haggai 2:15 (KJV)

And now, I pray you, consider from this day and upward, from before a stone was laid upon a stone in the temple of the LORD:

Haggai 2:18 (KJV)

Consider now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the foundation of the LORD'S temple was laid, consider it.

While the passage urges us to consider our ways (I understand its primary application is to the Jews, especially those who had just returned from captivity and had placed their own needs above those of the Temple), it seems to me that the argument points to God. Consider, GOD IS. The fact is there would have been no reason to rebuild the Temple if God didn’t exist. And the fact is that none of the consequences described in this passage could have been attributed to anything but chance, unless God exists.

The one thing we must settle in our soul is whether God is. If God is, then every argument from human reasoning becomes moot. If God is, then all the philosophers, atheists, agnostics, and scientists are enemies of the truth. If God is, then morality matters, human life is eternal, and one has no argument against hell.

Now, I understand that there are those who will argue that there is no empirical proof of God’s existence. Antagonists like to claim the burden of proof falls on the believer. We must, in their minds, provide empirical proof of God’s existence or else they are free to ignore God. God has never required that a person believe in or obey Him.

What He does is ask us to consider.

  • Are we better off obeying the ways of man?
  • Are we better off putting ourselves first?
  • Are we really better off ignoring God and His Word?

I know that professing believers have done terribly wicked things. But so have those who were pagans. And there have always been believers who did not participate in those wicked events.

God is. He has spoken through His Word, the Bible. Never mind what people have done. God is. He says our soul is eternal. He gave His Son Jesus (who never did an evil thing). Consider. Come to Christ alone.

#ConsiderYourWays #GodIs #FaithAndReflection #HaggaiChallenge #EternalTruths

The Eternal Question: Does God Exist? 

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Haggai 1:5 (KJV) The Eternal Question

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