Sunday, May 12, 2024

Jonah 4:4 (KJV) Anger and Redemption

Jonah 4:4 (KJV)

Then said the LORD, Doest thou well to be angry?

One of the lessons I believe we can see in the Word of God is the difference between the sentiments of men, even believing men, and of God.

There can be no doubt that perhaps even well-intentioned men have done some very wicked deeds in the name of God.

- What the Jews did to Jesus.

- What the Catholics did to Anabaptists.

- What happened in England after the founding of the Church of England.

- What Protestants of all sorts did to those who disagreed with them.

- What the Puritans did in New England.

None of this was of God. These were angry souls just as Jonah was. They were wrong. They may have believed in God, but they were wrong to be angry with those who did not believe as they did.

The book of Jonah contrasts the heart of a man with the heart of God.

- God longs to save.

- God longs to forgive.

- God longs to place men on a path to eternal life.

To desire anything else is to display an evil heart.

#HeartOfManVsHeartOfGod #DivineMercyVsHumanJudgment #GodsLoveVsHumanAnger #ForgivenessVsRetribution #DivineDesireForSalvation

Anger and Redemption: God's Heart of Compassion:

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Jonah 4:4 (KJV) Anger and Redemption

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