Sunday, September 15, 2024

1 Thessalonians 2:6 (KJV) Misplaced Glory Weakens a Church

1 Thessalonians 2:6 (KJV)

Nor of men sought we glory, neither of you, nor yet of others, when we might have been burdensome, as the apostles of Christ.


I am reminded of something I read in one of Charles Spurgeon’s books. He wrote that depression is the lot of the preacher because God will not share His glory.  


In the case of our text, the Word of God claims that giving glory to the preacher is a burden to the church. The context, I believe, connects this with material support—the financial supply of the preacher. Paul labored with his hands so as not to be this kind of burden to the church.  Others claim that the glory implied is honor, applause, or authority. Albert Barnes suggests that all these meanings would be implied.  


A pastor does carry a certain degree of authority, and the pastor has a biblical right to financial support. But both of these ought to be given freely.[1] If they are expected or demanded, they become oppressive and draw attention (glory) away from God.  


  • Truly, few things are as burdensome as a godless religious system but, 
  • There is nothing so liberating as beholding the glory of God.


#GloryToGodAlone  #PreachersHumbleService  #BiblicalAuthority  #FreeWillGiving   #GodCenteredFaith  

Misplaced Glory Weakens a Church: Keys to Keeping Focus on God’s Glory


[1] I am of the opinion that honor and applause ought to be given rarely, sparingly. The human ego is too drawn to them to get much of a diet of them. This, however, does not mean people should feel free to disparage or disrespect the preacher.

  • Are you keeping the focus on God’s glory in your life and ministry?

  • Intentionally shift the spotlight back to Him in your actions and conversations this week.

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1 Thessalonians 2:6 (KJV) Misplaced Glory Weakens a Church

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