Friday, September 13, 2024

Exodus 4:10 (KJV) Stop Looking for Perfection in People

Exodus 4:10 (KJV)

And Moses said unto the LORD, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.


God uses flawed people. That should not surprise us. We know all too well how flawed we are, yet we often forget.


(By way of illustration) It’s amazing how many Christians focus on Donald Trump’s flaws, as if expecting our leaders to be better than us. No one claims he is perfect—no one is. That’s not the standard we should be using. Kamala Harris is flawed too, but that’s not the issue. We shouldn’t be seeking someone who is without flaw; instead, we should ask whose record most closely aligns with Biblical truth. In that regard, Donald Trump stands out by a landslide.


Moses was flawed, so much so that the Lord became angry with him. But that didn’t stop God from using him. When Moses asked how the people would know God had appeared to him, the Lord gave him three signs:


His staff turned into a serpent. 

It wasn’t a harmless snake either—Moses fled from it. But when God told him to, Moses grabbed it by the tail, and it turned back into his staff. Obedience to God doesn’t mean we’re without fear; it means we fear the Lord more than anything else.


His hand turned leprous.

The Bible says there should be two or three witnesses. God told Moses that if the people didn’t believe the first sign, some would believe the second.


God gave a third sign. 

Moses didn’t see this one demonstrated. God simply told him what to do if the first two signs didn’t convince them. Sometimes, we need to stop asking God for constant demonstrations of His presence and simply trust what He says. It’s a wicked generation that demands proof beyond what God has already given. The Bible is true historically, scientifically, and naturally. Three-quarters of its prophecies have been fulfilled perfectly. Moreover, the resurrection of Christ is so well-documented that only blatant bias could cause someone to deny it.


·       Stop looking for perfect Christians.  

·       Stop demanding more proof from God.  

Start right now believing what He has already said and shown to be true.



#BiblicalTruth  #GodUsesFlawedPeople  #TrustGodsWord  #BelieveNotProve  #FaithOverFear  

Stop Looking for Perfection: Three Biblical Proofs We should Trust


  • Are you letting flaws hold you back from fully trusting God?

  • Focus on faith embrace what God has already revealed.

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Exodus 4:10 (KJV) Stop Looking for Perfection in People

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