Monday, February 17, 2025

Luke 16:4 (KJV) No Longer Lingering

Luke 16:4 (KJV)

I am resolved what to do, that, when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses. 


The Christian hymn I Am Resolved was written by Palmer Hartsough in the late 19th century, with music composed by James H. Fillmore. The hymn emphasizes a firm commitment to follow Christ, rejecting worldly distractions. It became popular in revival meetings and is still widely sung in churches today for its resolute message.

While I can find no direct evidence that Hartsough based the song on this passage, it is possible that he was influenced by it.

One does not become a Christian through resolution but through faith—"and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God."Yet there can be little doubt that a believer must possess a Holy Ghost-empowered resolution if he would "no longer linger, charmed by the world’s delight."

Galatians describes the battle between the flesh and the spirit in every Christian. Our pre-salvation conformity to this world gives the flesh a seeming edge over the spirit. We’ve tasted the world’s delights, and because we often forget the bitter aftertaste, we are drawn, charmed, and almost driven toward them.

How then does the believer resist this charm? Through resolution—not to fight the flesh directly, but to fix our eyes on those things that are higher and nobler.

·       Hasten then, Christian!

·       Hasten, glad and free!

When the world’s pull is strongest, resolve to come to Christ.


#IAmResolved  #Luke164 #FollowChrist #SpiritualBattle #HigherThings

No Longer Lingering: Overcoming the World’s Charm

Are you resolved to follow Christ, or are you still lingering, drawn by the world’s charm?Memorize and meditate on Colossians 3:2"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." Let this verse shape your mindset and actions.

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Luke 16:4 (KJV) No Longer Lingering

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Luke 15:14 (KJV) No Matter How Far

Luke 15:14 (KJV)

And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want. 


The three parables of Luke 15 serve a single purpose: to highlight the value of a soul. God seeks to reach the lost as well as minister to the saved.

·   I note that the first parable involves a man.

· I note that the second parable involves a woman.

·  I note that the third parable involves children.

There is no one God does not desire to reach.


In our text, the younger son desired his inheritance, received it, and wasted it. There is wisdom in withholding wealth from the young, for they are often frivolous about life.

The Bible says, “there arose a mighty famine in that land.”


Wouldn’t you know it! Just when he had nothing left, the famine hit.

·       He did not foresee it.

·       He did not save back in case of it.

·       He was therefore helpless in it.


I suppose he ought to have been thankful even for the husks.


But he had an option—he could return to his father.


May I say that all of us always have that option? No matter how far we’ve gone, no matter what land we’ve found ourselves in, no matter how we’ve wasted what God has given us, and no matter how bad the famine—we may always return to our Heavenly Father.


And He will always receive us.


#TheValueOfASoul #GodSeeksTheLost #LessonsFromTheProdigal #ReturnToTheFather #GraceAndRestoration

No Matter How Far: Wisdom, Waste, and Redemption


Have you ever experienced a moment when you realized you needed to turn back? Share in the comments!Take a step today—reach out to someone who needs to hear that God always welcomes His children home. 

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Luke 15:14 (KJV) No Matter How Far

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Luke 14:29-30 (KJV) Built to Last

Luke 14:29-30 (KJV)

Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him,

Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.


This passage came up in a recent conversation. A friend and I are both in the same situation—building houses and discovering that the costs are much higher than expected. He suggested that we should have counted the costs more carefully before we began.

But this text isn’t really about building a house. It speaks of a tower—a fortress, a bulwark of safety.

We think of our homes as our safe places, don’t we? But they aren’t always. Some people pay extra for better locks, a security system, or even an armored “safe room.” 

The parables in this passage all deal with the cost of discipleship. Many Christians, I think, separate salvation from discipleship. I remember a preacher once delivering a message titled “Saved, but Not Converted.” That concept explains a lot of the issues in modern Christianity—so many profess salvation, yet so few bear fruit that proves their faith.

Whether this dichotomy truly exists is not be my point—or even our Saviour’s point. The real point is that Christianity costs. And a kind of Christianity that costs nothing becomes a mockery in this world.

The multitudes would love to ride the shirttails of safety in Christ.

Only a handful ever count the cost to finish.

#CountTheCost #TrueDiscipleship #FaithThatFinishes #ChristianityCosts #BuiltOnTheRock

Built to Last: Faith That Finishes


If Christianity costs, are you willing to pay the price?  What’s one way you’ve had to count the cost in your Christian walk?

Find one area in your life where you need to strengthen your commitment to Christ—whether it’s your time, priorities, or boldness in sharing the Gospel—and take a concrete step today.

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To my readers:

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For this and, more than 6600 earlier Daily Visits with God, visit There you will find daily visits going back to 2005.

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Luke 14:29-30 (KJV) Built to Last

Friday, February 14, 2025

Luke 13:35 (KJV) The Prophetic Saviour

Luke 13:35 (KJV)

Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. 


The prophetic nature of our Saviour is displayed repeatedly in the Gospels. Here we see:

A prophecy of His crucifixion

His life would be taken in Jerusalem.


A prophecy of Jerusalem’s destruction, 

An event that occurred in 70 AD, leading to the practical abandonment of the Promised Land for nearly 2,000 years, and the dispossession, oppression, and homelessness of the Jewish people during that time.


A prophecy of His return

This, of course, necessitated a prophecy of His resurrection—a matter upon which He insisted, and the Word of God rests.


If the nature of Christ was prophetic while He dwelt among us, it was equally evangelistic and gospel-oriented. In verse 34, He desires to gather them under His wings. In verse 35, He intimates it will be accomplished when He returns, and they welcome Him.


The atheist says the burden to prove the resurrection of Christ rests upon us, the believers. I say it has already been proven. I say, prove He is in the grave, and only then may they rest assured He will not come again.


#ProphecyFulfilled #JesusIsComing #ChristOurHope #ResurrectionProven #BlessedIsHe

The Prophetic Saviour: Christ’s Death, Resurrection, and Return


How are you actively anticipating Christ’s return in your daily life? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Take a moment today to study Christ’s prophecies and their fulfillment.  Share this hope with others who may not yet know Him.

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Luke 13:35 (KJV) The Prophetic Saviour

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Luke 12:15 (KJV) More Than This Moment

Luke 12:15 (KJV)

And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth. 


One of the most common arguments I receive against my faith these days is the denial of life after death.


Never mind whether there is a God—

The objection in this “enlightened” age is not just against God but against anything beyond the present moment. Science, they are sure, has proven that we are no more than animals and that, just like animals, our lives mean nothing beyond what we experience today.


This reasoning necessarily leads to covetousness because it suggests that life consists only of what we enjoy in the moment.


Observe the result:



    Division on a scale rarely seen

    Alternative lifestyles

    Gender confusion

There is little that the mind of man cannot imagine when it is loosed from its anchor—God.


Our lives, yours and mine, consist of more than the abundance of material things we collect on this planet. It is not the Lord’s purpose to help us gain or lose earthly possessions.


A man’s life consists in his relationship with God. Therefore, the only riches worth laying up are those we possess before Him.


#EternalPerspective #TrueRiches #BewareOfCovetousness #LifeInChrist #AnchoredInGod

More Than This Moment: Life’s Greatest Treasure



What are you prioritizing—earthly possessions or your relationship with God? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Take a step today to reorient your focus: choose one material thing you've been holding onto too tightly and commit to using it for God’s glory.

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For this and, more than 6600 earlier Daily Visits with God, visit There you will find daily visits going back to 2005.

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Luke 12:15 (KJV) More Than This Moment