Thursday, January 16, 2025

Matthew 28:16 (KJV) Harmonizing the Gospels

Matthew 28:16 (KJV)

Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. 


One of the biggest objections unbelievers, atheists, agnostics, and critics have against faith in Christ and His Word is what they perceive as discrepancies in the four Gospels. They see these differences as contradictions and, therefore, as errors. This, they claim, proves the fallibility of the Bible.


Bible believers, on the other hand, recognize that the Gospels do not contradict one another but rather present accounts of Christ’s life from four distinct vantage points.


When we harmonize the four Gospels, we gain a complete picture—much like how modern 4D ultrasound images provide a fuller view of an unborn baby. 4D ultrasound technology is remarkable! Similarly, graphic artists use computers to create 4D renderings of houses, allowing for virtual tours of homes that have yet to be built. These processes work by combining multiple perspectives into a single, more comprehensive image.


At the same time, there is value in examining each perspective individually.

Matthew 28, for example, focuses on a specific appointment Christ set with His apostles.

Matthew 26:32 (KJV)

But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee.


This appointment is referenced three times in Matthew 28 (verses 7, 10, and 16). The first two references occur just after Jesus’ resurrection:

       Once by the angel

       Once by Jesus Himself

The final reference records the fulfillment of that appointment.


From the other Gospels, we know that several meetings took place between Jesus and His apostles between verses 7 and 10 and the ultimate fulfillment in verse 16. Matthew omits these meetings—not, I suggest, because he had no knowledge of them, but because he had a specific purpose. He wanted to emphasize, highlight, and set apart the meeting in Galilee.


It was at that meeting that Jesus gave His apostles—His first assembly—the purpose for which they had been called: the Great Commission.


#GospelHarmony #GreatCommission #ChristOurFoundation #BiblicalTruth #ScriptureUnified

Harmonizing the Gospels: Discrepancies or Purpose?


What do you think about the differences in the four Gospels—contradictions or complementary perspectives? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Take a moment to read Matthew 28 and compare it with the other Gospel accounts of Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances. See how they harmonize!

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Matthew 28:16 (KJV) Harmonizing the Gospels

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