Thursday, February 27, 2025

John 2:2 (KJV) Jesus at the Wedding

John 2:2 (KJV)

And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage. 


It appears that Cana was a village near Nazareth, suggesting that Jesus’ mother was either a relative or well known to the family of the couple being wedded. Customs were different there and then compared to our own, but some things never change—weddings tend to be community events, women enjoy them, and when invited, it is expected that you will attend.


Jesus was invited as His mother’s son. His disciples were invited, though they were not from Nazareth but closer to the Sea of Galilee, likely because it was already known how close they were to Christ. None of them resided in Cana or Nazareth, yet all were present at the wedding.


Weddings (and, I will interject here, funerals) have always been opportunities to minister. Those called into the ministry should accept these invitations as often as possible, not knowing what doors God may open through them.


Jesus performed His first miracle there, and His disciples, the Bible says, believed on Him there.

If you care for the souls of men and women, make it a practice to attend these types of functions and willingly minister in whatever ways you are asked.


#CanaMiracle #WeddingMinistry #JesusInvited #FaithInAction #DisciplesBelieved

Jesus at the Wedding: Serving at Life's Celebrations

Jesus used the wedding at Cana as an opportunity to minister. How can you use similar moments in your life to serve others? Share your thoughts in the comments below! Look for a wedding, funeral or community event to attend and offer your help or prayer.

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John 2:2 (KJV) Jesus at the Wedding

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