Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Luke 11:13 (KJV) More Than Bread

Luke 11:13 (KJV)

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? 


When Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, He gave them so much more than the well-known “model” prayer, “Our Father which art in heaven.”


He gave them a purpose for prayer:

“A friend of mine is come, and I have nothing to set before him.”


He gave them a style of prayer

Which is importunate—pray without ceasing. Pray until you receive that for which you are praying. 

He gave them the objective of prayer

Bread, which He then reveals is the Holy Spirit.


I remember a message Jack Hyles preached on prayer from this passage. After illustrating for some time, he said the lack of prayer is, “That’s what’s wrong with us.” 


I’m going to agree. Our problem is we don’t pray.


But I’m going to be more specific: our problem is that we don’t ask for the Holy Spirit. When we do pray, we ask for money, health, comfort, and a myriad of things for ourselves and others, but we seldom ask for the Holy Spirit. “That’s what’s wrong with us.”


When you pray, ask for the Holy Spirit. Ask because you have nothing to set before others without the Holy Spirit. Ask until you have that for which you’re asking. And ask without assuming you know what you’re receiving.


Most of us have already determined what it would be to receive the Holy Spirit.


·       Some would say that’s speaking in tongues.

·       Some would say that’s winning souls.

·       Some would say that’s influence and power over others.

·       Some would say that’s church revival.


I want to suggest that it’s exactly what Jesus said it was—bread: something to set before your friend. It might be that what we need to set before our friend is entirely different at different times.

Pray without ceasing for the Holy Spirit, and as you pray, let God give you the Holy Spirit “as many as [you] needeth.”[1]


#HolySpiritPower #PrayWithoutCeasing #SeekGodsPresence #SpiritualBread #AskAndReceive

More Than Bread: Praying for the Holy Spirit

[1] In other words, let God answer your prayer for the Holy Spirit as only He knows would provide for those to whom you minister. 

When was the last time you asked God for the Holy Spirit instead of just for your personal needs?

Focus today on asking specifically for the Holy Spirit in your prayers—ask until you receive, and don’t assume you know what you’re receiving.

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Luke 11:13 (KJV) More Than Bread

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