Saturday, March 01, 2025

John 4:26 (KJV) I AM HE

John 4:26 (KJV)

Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he. 


It’s significant that this conversation happens at Jacob’s well. This draws us to the history and relationship of the Samaritans to the Living God. Though sometimes deeply buried, every human soul has some connection to God. Every human soul is loved by God. Every human soul may come to God for salvation. Therefore, every human soul has—if I may put it this way—a right to someone to witness the gospel to them.


Though the woman at the well immediately addresses the differences between herself and the Jews, she is also aware of the prophecies of the Messiah. Furthermore, she has no doubt about the veracity of those prophecies. I believe this is innately true for all of us. Some work hard to provide arguments against this truth, while others feebly believe whatever arguments they (the some) come up with—but deep down, we all know the Lord is coming.


I wish to focus on the testimony of Jesus concerning Himself. The woman at the well referenced the promised One as Messias and Christ.


Messias, or Messiah

The Anointed One. There can be no doubt that the promised Messiah would be:

    Born of a woman

    Of the tribe of Judah

    Of the seed of David

    And most important for this discussion—made without hands (in other words, of God, virgin born)


He is eternal, having existed from everlasting.

He is God.

He is God incarnate.



The passage says, “called Christ.” Christ is the Greek rendering of the Hebrew Messiah. Some believe the woman didn’t say this, but that John added it to explain what she meant. I disagree. I believe she knew exactly what she was saying, and that her double emphasis was intentional—to translate the Hebrew promise into a more Gentile culture.


The Messiah, called Christ, is the Saviour of all who will come to Him. His message applies to all, is relevant to all, and will profit any and all who will hear Him.


Now Jesus states in no uncertain terms: “I that speak unto thee am he.”


Everything that is true of the Messiah, called Christ, is fulfilled in Jesus.


#JesusIsMessiah #LivingWater #SalvationForAll #ChristOurSavior #TruthAtTheWell

I AM HE: Messiah, Christ, and the Saviour for All

Jesus declared, "I that speak unto thee am he." Do you believe Jesus is the Messiah? Comment your thoughts! Take a moment today to read John 4 and see His words for yourself. 

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John 4:26 (KJV) I AM HE

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