Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Direct Our Hearts

2 Thessalonians 3:5
And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.

There is a sense in which we can view many if not all of the Apostles benedictory phrase like this one as prayers to God for the people of God. And what an appropriate subject of prayer this is. It would be wise to pray this for ourselves and for others that we know and love in the faith.

….into the love of God
Gill suggests this is the love wherewith God loves His children and says the apostles prayer is that we be, "...led further into it, so as to wade into these waters of the sanctuary, from the ankles to the knees, and from thence to the loins, and from thence till they become a broad river to swim in..."

Oh, that we might comprehend what is the height depth length and breadth of God's love for us!

….into the patient waiting for Christ
This is the full-time work of the child of God. From the day we trust Christ as Saviour until the day He calls us to His side, we wait for Christ. Sometimes we do not do it as patiently as we ought; we go aside into things that are not pleasing to the Lord. Sometimes we allow the stresses and pressures of life to depress us and draw us away from the confidences we have in Christ.

But we who are the children of God wait nonetheless.

And that the Lord would direct our heats into patient, Christ honoring, soul winning waiting is a prayer worthy of daily request.

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