Tuesday, July 30, 2019

2 Timothy 2:16 (KJV) Words to Shun

2 Timothy 2:16 (KJV)
But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
It seems to me that many people get the study of verse 15 mixed up with the vain babblings of verse 16. Serious study of the Word of God carefully remains in the Bible. It rejects paths of thought that lead away from God’s Word and into those that are profane and vain. 
I note the word, “shun.”
Most of my understanding of that word finds its roots in the Amish practice. I have known a few, of other religious groups, who were shunned, even by their families, for not following exactly the preaching of their church. To shun someone carries the idea of distancing without the possibility of reconciliation. This is exactly what we ought to do with conversations, concepts, and ideas that are not biblically rooted. 
This word means heathenish or wicked. Philosophy and science falsely so called,  ideas that are worldly and reject the Bible would be included here.
This is useless and empty. Why debate, discuss and divide over ideas that have little or no value?
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2 Timothy 2:16 (KJV) Words to Shun

photos from pexels.com
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