Sunday, July 05, 2020

Psalms 142:5 (KJV) Our Refuge and Portion

Psalms 142:5 (KJV)

I cried unto thee, O LORD: I said, Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living.

The superscript says this is a prayer of David when he was in the cave. While I am not sure there is any evidence for that, it is for sure that the experience was a desperate one. This Psalm is filled with desperation. 


In the midst of such turmoil, the Psalm has this one ray of hopefulness and light, “Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living.”


Whatever else is real in our lives, this thing is real. In this life, God is our refuge and He is our portion. There is nothing else promised in the land of the living. It is all fleeting, temporal, and will, at the last, be taken from us. Money, houses, health, and name; it all vaporizes at death or soon after. These two things are eternal

·       God is our refuge

·       God is our portion


If you do not know Him, He invites you to come to Him. 


If you are one of His children, latch hold of these promises. They will see you through your own dark cave. 

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Psalms 142:5 (KJV) Our Refuge and Portion

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