Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Acts 16:5 (KJV) Establishing Faith

Acts 16:5 (KJV)

And so were the churches established in the faith, and increased in number daily.

The transition from a Jewish focus to a Gentile one was slow, deliberate, and, I think, calculated by the Holy Ghost. In Chapter 15, the dissension caused by the Judaizers was addressed. We know that the counsel in Acts 15 did not stop the Judaizers, but it did separate them. I note that they are called “certain men who taught the brethren.” They were not called brethren. In Chapter 16, Paul takes with him Timothy, a young man who is half Jew and half Gentile. Everyone knew his father was a Greek, so Timothy could be a testimony to them. But Paul had him circumcised so Timothy would not be a hindrance to witnessing to the Jews. The Bible says, “And so were the churches established in the faith.”

I think I see three things that helped to establish the churches:

The sensible ministry of Paul. 

I don’t think Paul was a compromiser. He was more than willing to take stands, but he also knew when to take those stands.

His visits to the churches. 

There is encouragement through personal connection.

The decrees and ordinances of the apostles. 

This takes us back to Chapter 15. Sound doctrine, accepted by those in the faith, solidifies churches. We cannot ignore and abide with those who teach otherwise.

#EstablishingChurches #TransitionToGentileFocus #PaulineMinistry #SoundDoctrine #ChurchSolidarity  

Establishing Faith: Paul's Strategic Ministry

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Acts 16:5 (KJV) Establishing Faith

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