Thursday, June 27, 2024

Genesis 1:1 (KJV) Ancient Text or Divine Truth?

Genesis 1:1 (KJV)

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.


Students of the Bible often comment that the Bible begins with God. Not an explanation of God, but with God. God is the explanation of everything else. We would then move on to claim that the wisest of people begin with God.


But it’s no wonder that the corrupt mind of man struggles with this. The Bible is brash, bold, beyond us.


How can this be?


Consequently, the mind of man has derived several approaches to the Word of God - beginning with the beginning of the Word.

Denial: Men have denied it altogether. In this instance, they simply say it’s all hogwash, baloney. They mock it, scoff at it, or else just ignore it completely.


Relegation to a Fairy Tale: They view it as fiction, “Once upon a time.” They consider it ancient literature akin to the Tales of Narnia. They study it as classic literature, respect it as such, but hold no value in its message.


Superstition: They include it in the many superstitions of a people less evolved than we are supposed to be these days. Mythology and pantheism were rampant in the days of old. The Bible, they would say, is just one of the many examples of this myth.


Reconciliation with Modern Science: They believe that science cannot be denied, but instinctively know they must not deny the Bible. They attempt to explain the Bible in light of “what we now know to be true.”


Acceptance of its Truth: A few men have simply chosen to take the Word of God at its word. We believe it to be absolutely true. We interpret it literally, that is, historically and grammatically. We accept it for what it claims to be - the very words of God, by Him, for us.


#InTheBeginning #GodsWord #BibleTruth #FaithInAction #GenesisOneOne

Ancient Text or Divine Truth?: The Bible- Denied, Doubted, or Believed


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  • Stand firm in the truth of God's Word today!

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Genesis 1:1 (KJV) Ancient Text or Divine Truth?

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